
CONSTIPATION – A major problem.!

Constipation will make you feel bloated and gassy and make you feel quite uncomfortable which affects the productivity as gut health is of utmost for being healthy & active. If you are having poor bowel movements or have a painful affair each time you visit the toilet it indicates that you have chances of being ‘Constipated’. About 40% – 60% of the adults are facing constipation issues due to our modern & fast paced lifestyle. It is a myth that one should have daily bowel movements, studies show should have bowel movements at least 3 times a week. Lesser than 3 bowel movements a week indicates that you are constipated. 

Constipation is a digestive system condition which is defined as the retention of faeces in the colon beyond the normal length of emptying time (i.e 3 days per week).


  1. The consumption of fruits, vegetables (raw and cooked), whole grains which are high in fibre is very low. Fibre helps add bulk to the stool and acts as a natural broom to sweep and clean the colon.
  2. Not having enough water. Water is essential as it helps soften the stools and flush out the toxins from the body.
  3. Consuming excessive amount of meat or processed foods, it becomes very difficult to digest these foods which also causes dehydration & further makes constipation more severe.
  4. Changes in the daily routine, such as not having fixed eating timings, sleeping late, travelling.
  5. Stress 
  6. Antibiotics, pain killers, antidepressants, aluminium containing antacids, blood pressure medications, iron supplements have a strong impact on our intestines which triggers constipation.
  7. Lack of physical activity or a sedentary lifestyle.
  8. Ignoring the urge to defecate regularly cause the stools to harden and there is difficulty in passing stools. 
  9. The passage of food in the digestive tract is slower the colon absorbs more water which makes the stools dry and hard and dehydrates the body. This makes the bowel movements very painful.

Foods to Eat:

  1. Include fibre rich foods: Whole grains, nuts, seeds , raw fruits and vegetables add bulk to the stools which helps clean the colon & easier to pass the waste. Try to increase the water intake gradually along with including fibre rich foods to avoid causing constipation further.
  2. Prunes: Prunes contains both insoluble & soluble fibre, insoluble fibre known as cellulose which increases the amount of water in the stools & adds bulk for easy passage of waste. The soluble fibre in prunes gets fermented in the colon and produce short-chain fatty acids which also adds bulk to the stools.
  3. Figs & Black raisins: Figs and black raisins are high in fibre and promote healthy bowel movements.
  4. Papaya: Papaya is an age old remedy to treat constipation. Simply because the papain enzyme in it makes it easier to digest the protein content of foods, which is a little difficult to digest and helps treat constipation & prevent gas and bloating caused due to leftover undigested residue in the colon.
  5. Citrus fruits like orange, lemon, kiwi, amla are high in fibre as well as has a high water content which is great to treat constipation.
  6. Green leafy vegetables: Green are not only rich in fibre but also are a great source of Vitamin C, Vitamin K and folate. Soluble fibre in these vegetables help relieve constipation.
  7. Probiotics: Probiotics are live bacteria which are found in fermented foods like yogurt, kanji, kombucha, sauerkraut. These foods provides beneficial bacteria to the gut which helps relieve constipation.
  8. Ghee: Ghee acts a natural lubricant of the intestine and helps clear all the toxins from the gut, thus preventing constipation. Add a dollop of ghee on your meal or smear it on your rotis.

Foods to avoid:

  1. Fast foods: They are high in fat & no nutrients present which makes it difficult to digest and causes constipation.
  2. Processed foods: These contain a lot of salt and fat. Fat makes it tougher to digest and the salt content it absorbs a lot of water and cause dehydration which further causes constipation.
  3. Red meats: They are high in fat & consists of protein which is difficult to for the stomach to digest. It is also rich in iron which further leads to constipation.
  4. Caffeine, Alcohol: These are stimulants which dehydrates the body if taken in excess amounts which makes constipation worse.
  5. Raw Bananas: Unlike ripe bananas which are great to treat constipation, unripe bananas have a lot of starch content which is difficult to digest, also it consists of a fibre called pectins which draws water from the intestines and dehydrates the body which further makes constipation worst.
  6. Whole pulses before bedtime: Pulses are high in fibre and can be great to treat constipation, however if you are consuming pulses for dinner make sure to keep a 3 hour gap between dinner and bedtime because pulses take a longer time to digest and if consumed just before bedtime it can remain undigested and further cause constipation.

Home remedies to treat constipation:

  1. Psyllium husk/ Isabgol: It is a natural laxative. Mix 1-2 tbsp in hot or normal temperature water at night before bedtime.
  2. A glass of warm water with 1/2 a lemon in the morning and night helps cure constipation.
  3. A glass of vegetable juice which 1-2 tbsp of roughage at mid-morning can be taken to provide extra fibre intake.
  4. 4-5 soaked prunes or 10-12 soaked black raisins to be taken an hour before bedtime.
  5. 1 tbsp of castor oil/ coconut before bedtime lubricates the colon and makes the passage of stools easier the next morning.
  6. 1 tbsp triphala powder mixed in water or 1 tablet triphala before bedtime can be taken to clean the colon the next day.
  7. Soak 2 tsp grated jaggery and mix lemon juice to it according to taste and have it first thing in the morning daily.

Giveaway Message:

Increasing fibre, staying well hydrated & exercising daily is going to help prevent constipation in the long run. These lifestyle changes are essential to treat the condition from its roots. Home remedies take a little time but eventually will help treat the condition. However if the home remedies do not work for you then consult a doctor for further assistance.

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