

I am sure that the picture itself is self explanatory and I am assure you that doing this everyday for 5-10 minutes post your lunch and dinner will benefit you a lot and you can see the difference by yourself.

Speaking of the asana, known as Vajrasana is a kneeling pose, and it takes its name from the Sanskrit word Vajra which means diamond or thunderbolt. Asana (आसन), of course, means pose. This diamond pose is also called Adamintine Pose.

It is inspired by the Mythical weapon wielded by Lord Indra- Vajra [Thunderbolt of irresistible force and which is indestructible]. it is also symbolically used to represent firmness of spirit and spiritual power.

1. Assume kneeling position on the mat, the knees and toes touching each other and heels kept apart.
2. Keep mind relaxed and passively aware.

1. Lower the body gently and sit comfortably on a hollow formed by the toes and heels.
2. Hold the body erect, chin in and parallel to the ground, chest thrown forward, keeping the head neck and trunk in one straight line – abdomen held in normal contour.
3. Place be hands upon their respective knees.
4. The legs should be flat on the ground folded under the thighs.
5. Close the eyes [or keep the gaze fixed at one point] and passively observe the breath. [Final position].
6. Mind may wander to other thoughts but gently bring it back to breath.

1. Slowly open the eyes and gently raise the hips to assume the starting position.
2. Sit on the mat and gently stretch the legs forward [if required].
3. Maintain the mental state for as long as possible.


The Vajrasana is a steady, firm pose, and those who assume it cannot be shaken easily. It is a meditative pose, but sitting in this pose can be quite challenging. One has to conquer the pain in the legs and the unrest in the mind to master the pose and enter a meditative state. One needs to train themselves to sit still and be willing to invest their mind in it.

The Vajrasana regulates blood circulation in the lower pelvic region. Sitting on your legs reduces the blood flow in the legs and increases it in the digestive area, therefore increasing the efficiency of the digestive system.

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