Life Style Management
A process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. Due to wrong eating habits, genetics, obesity, many people face a lot of medical issues like Diabetes, Hypertension, Cholesterol, PCOS [Polycystic ovary syndrome] , thyroid and are dependent on medication only. These disorders are mostly related to your eating habits, your sleeping patterns, hormonal issues and many more
It is important for overall health to live a balanced life that includes eating the proper amounts of healthy food, getting daily exercise, sleeping well and maintaining good relationships. And if you are suffering from a chronic illness, it is even more important to have a healthy lifestyle.
An important part of treating or preventing any disease is lifestyle management. Proper nutrition, having the appropriate health screenings and taking precautions to avoid infection are just a few of the ways to manage diseases.
It includes:
• Healthy Nutritional meal plan considering your health problem.
• Including therapeutic nutrition for better recovery.
• Breathing techniques to calm your mind, body and soul.
• Exercise and physical activity guidelines.
A Brief Phone call / Skype / Facetime consultation so as to understand your Lifestyle, Ethnicity , Healthy Condition [if any]
Choose your Duration
Select the Duration/ Time Period for your Health and Fitness Journey.
Fill Nutrition Assessment Sheet
A detailed Information sheet will help us understand your schedule , your likes and dislikes towards certain foods.
Begin your Journey with Healvick
Start your Health journey and enjoy all your favourite foods without giving up on them. It’s time to bring the change.
Why Choose Us
You will receive a plan based on your Nutrition Assessment Sheet and which suits your schedule.
You will be taught to choose the right kind of foods while Traveling, On Vacation, Restaurant visits and much more.
By sharing your food recall daily, you will understand whether you are on a right track or not.
Weekly monitoring of your weight and inch measurements so as to check your progress.